Obstacle Mud Runner - issue 08

obstaclemudrunner.co.uk ForEliteAtheletes toFunRunners 34 Well I guess by the very name it kind of gives it away what kind of race this is! Add to that the typical Scottish weather and suddenly you have a monster winter race. Well I guess by the very name it kind of gives it away what kind of race this is! Add to that the typical Scottish weather and suddenly you have a monster winter race. So how bad can Scotland possibly be compared to England in January? I mistakenly thought only a few degrees above zero... how wrong I was. The forecast predicted freezing temperatures for the weekend – after a relatively mild 6 or 7 degrees the previous week. The pictures that Alex Potter (Race Director) nicely posted on Facebook told me to prepare for the worse – this was going to be like an expedition to the North Pole! Armed with every piece of neoprene and merino wool base layer I own, we got to the race at 9am to register Sunday morning. The race location was really easy to find and well sign posted from all major roads. There was ample car parking, which was free and pack collection was in the clubhouse which was nicely heated. There were no huge queues; however ‘race pack pick-up’ was available the day before too. The staff were very helpful and also showed me where to collect my ROCS tag which is to scan yourself once you have completed the mandatory obstacles. (Mandatory obstacles were only for people wishing to qualify for either the European or World OCR championships). I got changed into my Frogskins (Probe wetsuits new design of thin neoprene water wear with a fleece lining) along with neoprene socks, a cheap windcheater and a pair of neoprene gloves shoved into the top of my bottoms ‘for the quarry swim’. I then headed to the pit lane area which was the start line of the race, but also had a covered area with stalls, food outlets and hot drinks available. The atmosphere was buzzing – probably with a mixture of excitement and sheer terror of what we were about to face out on course. There were lots of people smiling and no doubt swearing under their breath obscenities of what they had signed themselves up to. Some people were also clearly making overwhelming gratitude thankful noises at close friends who had signed them up to this race too. MacTuff So how bad can Scotland possibly be compared to England in January? RACE : REVIEW neoprene and merino wool essential Linda Johnson went to Scotland