Obstacle Mud Runner - issue 13

obstaclemudrunner.co.uk 32 ForEliteAtheletes toFunRunners RACE : TRAINING are you missing 40%? 6 ways to make your weight training sessions more effective – INSTANTLY 1 Take more rest time for the big compound lifts More rest time will improve the quality of each set performed and increase the weight or number of reps you are able to perform on each set. Studies have shown that longer rest periods (2-3 minutes) is associated with greater increases in strength and muscle tissue then shorter rest periods (1-2mins). 2 Prioritise progressive overload Progression is what causes adaptation; that’s the difference between training and exercise. Stop exercising and start training! It’s easy to get caught up in the session focusing on the ‘burn’ or getting a sweat on. It might feel like you’ve had an effective workout, but you’re likely not closer to achieving your goal. In some way shape or form, try and improve on what you did last week, even if it’s just one extra rep. Keeping a log of your training is super helpful – if you’re not assessing, you’re just guessing! 3 Estimate how much you have left ‘in the tank’ on each set Feedback is one of the most important factors to consider when training. Generally, if you have 3 or less reps in the tank on each set you’re on the right track. If it isn’t that challenging it might not be disruptive enough to stimulate any adaptations (unless you’re a beginner). The reality is, you can have the best training program in the world but if you’re not training hard enough, your body won’t change. 4 Focus on quality before quantity If you ask any experienced trainers how often they train or how many exercises they do in a session the answer will likely surprise you. Keeping it simple and nailing some high quality, challenging sets will likely yield better results than throwing in too many for the sake of feeling like you’ve ‘had a good workout’. The goal is to stimulate, not annihilate. 5 Test your limits, you may surprise yourself I’m not talking about sticking as much weight on the bar as possible here. I’m talking about building up to a set for as many reps as possible. I had a client tell me she found 3 sets of 5 at a 50kg deadlift challenging. Two weeks later she managed 15 reps with 50kg in one set after challenging her to do as many as she could. Sometimes how hard you perceive yourself to be working can hold you back. Just go for it! Here are some very simple changes you can make with your training that can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your weight training sessions INSTANTLY If you bought a light bulb that was only half as bright as it said on the box, you’d probably feel pretty ripped off and upset. What if I told you that despite all your hard work in the gym that you were only getting 60% of the results? You’d probably feel the same.