Obstacle Mud Runner - issue 6

obstaclemudrunner.co.uk ForEliteAtheletes toFunRunners 30 HEALTH : WEIGHT Make your bedroom as dark as possible. Consider adding shutters or extra thick curtains Sadly, there are a huge amount of well intentioned fitness addicts who dish out exercise and nutrition advice with very little training A cheese ploughman’s and Ribena don’t quite count as optimal nutrition The solution n Remove all screens from your bedroom. The blue light emitted from your phone, TV and laptop send signals to your brain encouraging it to stay awake. n Use your bedroom for sleeping, reading, and sex only. n Make your bedroom as dark as possible. Consider adding shutters or extra thick curtains. n Get the temperature right. Aim for a room temp of between 60-67° F n Avoid stimulants and alcohol before bed – the booze might knock you out but your sleep is likely to be restless and broken. n Try and stick to a regular schedule when possible. Being consistent reinforces your circadian rhythms (essentially, our body clock), helping you to fall asleep quicker and wake up with a spring in your step. n Most importantly, leave your mobile phone in another room. If you use the alarm function on your phone it’s worth investing in an alarm clock instead. 6 You’re drinking too many calories All too often, those on the fat loss quest manage to keep their food choices relatively sensible yet completely neglect the types of fluid they ingest throughout the day. People just don’t seem to evaluate drink in the same way as they do food. Smoothies, green juices, soft drinks, coffees, and pretty much all alcoholic drinks will ramp up your calorie consumption more than you give credit for. The solution Stick to water, green tea, and black coffee for 90% of your week. Sounds incredibly boring but it will start to show on the scales in no time. 7 You are not prepared You’ve all heard the famous Benjamin Franklin quote “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”. Never could a truer word be said when it comes to fat loss. In a world dominated by convenience and instant gratification, it’s all too easy to pop into your local petrol station or coffee shop to grab a quick bite for lunch. Unfortunately, a cheese ploughman’s and Ribena don’t quite count as optimal nutrition. By neglecting the planning stage of our nutrition plans, we often end up throwing a load of ingredients together with little regard to portion size and/or macronutrient intake. What’s more, as soon as we get the slightest craving, we head straight to cupboards to raid the kids sweet stash. The solution Your safest bet is to clear the house of any foods that don’t fit your nutrition plan. Then use an online shopping service to set up a repeat weekly delivery of all of the ingredients needed to provide you with a week’s worth of nutrient dense meals. This should keep you under your calorie target and remove temptation. Remember, out of sight – out of mind. I’m not saying there should be zero treats for the kids, but for those with children, it’s important to remember that an ‘optimal’ nutrition plan will benefit them in a myriad of ways also, think improved brain function and concentration, less stress and more sleep, not to mention reduced restlessness and hyperactivity. Homework anyone? 8 Your trainer is rubbish With no governing body in our industry, becoming a personal trainer is as difficult as printing off some business cards and buying some dumbbells! Sadly, there are a huge amount of well intentioned fitness addicts who dish out exercise and nutrition advice with very little training. Leading to some poorly educated clients with very little to show for their money. Most formal personal training courses don’t tend to be much better either, some lasting as little as two weeks before handing out a certification. It’s no surprise that you’re struggling with your progress if you aren’t getting the right support and advice. The solution Before starting any fat loss plan, make sure you do your research! Whether using a Personal Trainer or simply following a blog post or magazine fat loss plan, make sure you do your research. Look for trainers/authors with lots of relevant qualifications and experience and above all a proven track record of results! ... continued: 8 reasons you’re not losing weight For more tips and advice on fat loss and weight management feel free to contact me directly on chris@ betterbodygroup. co.uk