Obstacle Mud Runner - issue 22

19 WINTER : TRAINING & RACING r A hat: Wearing a hat whilst running in winter provides several benefits. l Retains heat. A significant amount of heat is lost through the head and wearing a hat helps to retain this. l Comfort. A hat will protect your ears and head from the elements, avoiding that biting chill in the air and preventing discomfort. l Moisture wicking. In addition to keeping you warm, some hats are designed to wick away sweat and moisture, keeping your head dry and preventing heat loss through damp clothing. l Increased visibility. Choose a hat that is either brightly coloured or has reflective features. Anything that increases visibility, especially in winter or in low-light conditions promotes your safety. t Long leggings As much as you may feel as free as a bird in shorts in winter, long leggings are a good idea. They provide an additional layer of insulation for your legs. This not only helps to keep you warmer and protect you from the elements, but the added compression provide support to muscles during physical activity, potentially reducing muscle fatigue. They are generally made from good sweat wicking material, so they’ll soak up any sweat and keep it away from your skin. It’s important to consider the specific conditions you’ll be running in before making an appropriate choice. So yes, you really do need those new ones you’ve had your eye on. (wink) y Suitable trail shoes You’ll need a good pair, but what defines a good pair? My advice is – something that’s right for you. That may not necessarily be what Uncle Bob’s next-door neighbour wears, go for something that suits your foot and your requirements. Things to consider are: l Traction. You’re going to need this if venturing out onto wet, slippery or uneven surfaces. l Durability. They need to withstand your demands. l Water resistant or quick draining? Consider the type of running/racing you’ll be doing and how much of the wet stuff is involved. l Insulation. Do you need them to help keep your feet warm, what speed/distance will you be covering? Some offer insulation adding comfort during cold temperatures. l Ankle support. You may need additional support if navigating uneven or slippery terrain, reducing the risk of injury. l Versatility. Lots of trail shoes are versatile and suitable for various activities, such as: hiking, running, walking or even to wear in snowy conditions. Whichever you choose, it’s vital you have ones to suit you. There are so many to choose from so try before you buy if possible.