Obstacle Mud Runner - issue 14

PLAY: 26.2 26 How hard can it be? HERE ARE SOME OF OUR TOP TIPS. Well, I suggest you start with putting one foot in front of the other. Yes, really. At first it doesn’t matter how far or how fast you’re going, just get moving, get some mileage in those legs and look forward to the road ahead. As with all races, regardless of distance, preparation is key and only by conditioning your body for what lies ahead will you cope physically and mentally. MAKE A PLAN There are many great plans out there that are readily available, so it is worth doing your research and finding one that suits YOU. Marathon training plans are definitely NOT a ‘one size fits all’. If you have a running coach, he/she will be able to point you in the right direction of the best approach for you or tailor one that they know works around your commitments. WORK/LIFE BALANCE Be very aware of your family/friends/work schedule when pencilling in your long runs, you’re going to be out for hours and quite possibly of not much use to anyone when you return. TIME MANAGEMENT You have to be realistic when choosing your plan and find one that you are able to adhere to and give yourself the best chance of reaching your goal. Whether you have a time in mind or whether it’s a ‘just get me round’ approach, start your training as soon as possible. Assuming you don’t run marathons every weekend, you will need to be kind to your legs and allow them plenty of time to adjust to the increased distance. By getting the mileage steadily increased in a sensible fashion, this approach should see you running the distance injury free. LOOK AFTER YOUR FEET, THEY’LL THANK YOU FOR IT Choose your footwear wisely. Ideally you will have 2 pairs of shoes which you alternate between runs. Choose the right style of shoe that supports your foot wherever you need it the most. Take care of your little pinkies out of trainers too. A good foot soak, remove the hard skin, rest them, massage them, even roll a golf or tennis ball under them. Looking after what you’ve got in the best possible way is only going to benefit you later. And what about the rest of your leg? You might want to consider compression socks or calf sleeves to increase good blood flow especially on those longer runs. I can recommend @subsports and you can take advantage of our sweet 30% discount code OMR30. FAIL TO PREPARE, PREPARE TO FAIL Ensure you are training on a similar surface to the one you will be running on. A marathon trail run is very different to a marathon road run and if you’ve not trained on comparable terrain, you could be in for a shock. FUEL FOR THOUGHT What’s going to keep you going? It’s not like you can take your bowl of porridge with you. Test different sources of fuel and discover what works best for you. Whether that’s gels, Jelly Babies, Shot Bloks etc.. or our latest discovery @manukasport honey. It seemed like a good idea at the time but now ‘YOU’RE IN’, where do you start? This is quite possibly the first thought that goes through your head when the realisation sets in that you need to be able to run a marathon! HAVE FUN Most importantly, enjoy the journey. For many, it’s something to tick off the bucket list, never to be done again. I applaud anyone who does this sort of distance for fun, but I think I’ll stick to mud. VLM: 26.2 in 90 secs