Obstacle Mud Runner - issue 12

obstaclemudrunner.co.uk ForEliteAtheletes toFunRunners 26 Effects of strength training on distance running RACE : TRAINING is it good for you? Middle and long distance running performance is constrained by several important aerobic and anaerobic parameters Harriet Clark Personal Training Sevenoaks Better Body Group Recently the effects of strength training for distance runners has received considerable attention. I am going to review the topic and outline the benefits. From a physiological perspective, the three main parameters that influence running performance is maximal oxygen uptake (VO 2 max), running economy (RE) and fractional Utilization (sustainable percentage of VO 2 max). Along with improvements in cardio-vascular related parameters associated with running volumes and interval training, running economy can also be improved. The improvement of RE has been elicited through an increase in strength training, along with correct loading patterns. Running economy during running relies on the generation of rapid force during contact when running and also the ability for the muscle tendon unit to direct and absorb force in the right direction. Strength training provides an overload to the neuromuscular system, improving muscle fibre recruitment, firing frequency, musculotendinous stiffness and intramuscular co-ordination.